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Your First Day at Gumbi-Gumbi

Please arrive by 11.00am on the date provided by Intake Officer, if you are going to be late please contact us as soon as possible on (07) 49 228 355


We will observe for any indication of intoxication and ask you to take a breath test and provide a urine sample for testing. This samples will be tested within 15 minutes. You will be officially admitted to the program when medical staff have approved the sample.


If alcohol or other non-prescribed drugs are present in the test, we will not be able to permit you.


View what a typical day looks like at Gumbi-Gumbi:


Morning Exercise


Tidy of bedroom/personal space

Check mobile phones for messages/emails

Morning Session or Medical Appointment or Counselling Session


Counselling session or Shopping Outing or Afternoon Session or Program Outing or Medical Appointment

Personal Time

Mobile Phone time to make calls, check emails or social media

Afternoon Exercise


TV Time

Bed time

Your first day at Gumbi-Gumbi

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